Solar EclipseViewing an eclipse is a beautiful and memorable experience. However, as unforgettable as it is, you may want to take pictures of the special moment to preserve the event forever. You may be wondering how it’s possible to take pictures safely during a solar eclipse. The answer is simple: use a solar filter!

Solar filters fit over camera lenses or binoculars and allow for safe viewing of an eclipse. Don’t be tempted to try to fit a pair of solar glasses over the lens; this is unsafe, and you’ll be taking unnecessary risks with your equipment as well as (more importantly) your eyesight.

If you’re wondering where to buy solar filter film sheet, look no further. At Rainbow Symphony, they’ve been supplying quality optical products like 3D glasses, firework glasses, and solar eclipse products for over 40 years.

So, why should you buy your solar filter from Rainbow Symphony? Here are three reasons:

  1. Absolute Protection

Solar Eclipse FilterWhen you’re asking yourself “where can I get a solar filter?” you’ll want to buy from a company that makes products that will protect your eyes and still give you a clear view of the sun. Their line of Eclipse Shades® Solar Filters is engineered for safety, clarity, and contrast. The filters all meet the standard for ISO 12312-2:2015, so you can feel confident that eyes will be protected during extended solar viewing.

To ensure you have the perfect fit for your lens, they offer solar filters in 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 76mm, and 101 mm sizes. Additionally, to make sure the fit of the filter is perfectly snug on your camera, binoculars or telescope, included are felt tape free with each purchase.

  1. Competitive Pricing

Rainbow Symphony has been serving solar eclipse enthusiasts for forty years and is committed to making solar filters safe, durable –– and affordable. The solar filters utilize scratch-resistant black polymer and offer the same viewing experience as many of their more costly products. However, it is always best to keep in mind that different types of solar filters are used for different reasons.

If you’re wondering where you can get solar filters in bulk for group viewing or academic purposes, contact their team. Discount pricing on quantity orders for many products is offered, and can works with your school, business or organization.

  1. Trusted Industry Leaders

Proud to be industry leaders in the production and sale of solar filters and eclipse glasses. However, that’s not a marketing slogan— it’s the way they do business. In the build-up to the 2017 solar eclipse, the market was flooded with dangerous, low-quality glasses. To help combat the confusion, the American Astronomical Society compiled a shortlist for those wondering “Where can I get a solar filter?”. On that exclusive list: Rainbow Symphony. When you’re trying to determine where to buy a solar filter film sheet, you can trust their good name, just like the eclipse-chasing community has for decades.