Top 5 Software Security Tips for Developers

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives and business operations, but the fact that we all are connected through the same network means that it’s also a breeding ground for hacks and data breaches. In 2017 alone, software security breaches resulted in the loss of over $1 billion to companies around the world, with healthcare companies suffering the most at an average cost of $7 million per breach. Software security can seem like a bottomless pit of complexity to developers who are just starting out, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Ensure that your software isn’t vulnerable to cyberattacks by securing your application development process and protecting your users’ sensitive data from potential hackers. Here are the top five software security tips you need to keep in mind, no matter your experience level.

1) Building a Secure Server/Application

A website or app is only as secure as its weakest link. If you’re building a site that handles sensitive data, it’s not enough to just look at how your servers are protected; you also need to consider how your clients and servers interact, how users enter passwords, and how applications handle sensitive information (like encryption keys). These considerations will help you stay secure. It may be easier said than done, but building security into your products from day one will save time down the road. And remember—the more users access your site or use your app, the greater their exposure is to hackers.

2) Protect Your Data Against Attacks

Hackers often exploit vulnerabilities in software through attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). These types of attacks can lead to significant damage because hackers are able to directly access private data that should be protected behind a firewall. To prevent these types of attacks, developers should ensure that their code is secured through routine testing. Denial of service attacks is one common type of security issue where hackers attempt to overload an application with requests so that it cannot respond properly or at all. It’s important to protect against denial of service attacks by using appropriate firewalls or other security mechanisms. Properly securing your code will help keep your company’s information safe and its software secure. If you’re not sure how to build an effective security plan, then seek out secure coding training from experts who can help you design your program properly from start to finish. There are also many free resources available online such as OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

3) Use Strong Passwords

Mobile Screen with Strong Passwords

A good password is an essential part of security. Use complex passwords made up of a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols when setting up your accounts. Be sure to change them regularly as well. There are several free services online that will make sure you don’t reuse old passwords or set weak ones like 12345. These tools will even remember new passwords in a way that makes them easy to recall later (for example, MyCatSaysMOO!).

4) Stay Updated With Patches

Keeping your software up to date is an easy way to ensure that you’re not missing out on critical security patches. It’s also a great way to protect against vulnerabilities that others have discovered before you, and keep your data safe from malware, spyware, and other malicious pieces of code. All you need to do is make sure that your apps are configured correctly so they automatically update whenever new versions become available. Luckily, there are third-party tools out there designed specifically with developers in mind including Google Chrome (which offers automatic updates for many popular apps) and AppUpdater (for Windows). If you use Linux or OS X then setting up automated updates is a little more difficult.

5) Keep The Right Tools Handy

There are a few common tools that you should always have with you. One of them is an SSH (secure shell) client, which allows you to connect to another computer via a network or Internet connection and use its resources remotely. It’s especially useful when working from home, but it can also be used to manage servers, cloud instances, and more. Another essential tool is an HTML/XML editor. You’ll use it for more than just typing code—you can write notes in there too. It’s also useful for opening web pages and previewing links before loading them into your browser.